mental health

Protecting Your Mental Health in Times of Crisis: Tips for Managing Stress and Uncertainty

Protecting Your Mental Health in Times of Crisis: Tips for Managing Stress and Uncertainty

Global crises can trigger chronic stress, leading to anxiety, sleep issues, and weakened health. Practices like exercise and mindfulness can help restore balance. At Aptiva Health Mental Wellness, we offer expert support to help you build resilience and protect your mental health. Take the first step today.

Mental Wellness after a Trauma

Mental Wellness after a Trauma

All too often we assume trauma must be caused by a major event, but trauma comes in all shapes and sizes and includes anything that affects a person to the point that it reduces their quality of life. Even an observer of a difficult event can be affected by trauma.  Emotional distress is common, and even “normal”, after a trauma. Ongoing stress can follow for days or weeks. However, when your quality of life is affected by a traumatic event, it’s time to reach out for professional help.